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AM Financial Group

Our Investment Opportunities

Savings & Investments

As an experienced team of investment advisors, we present you the financial products to provide an opportunity that creates wealth for future. We make sure that our products are credible to you rather than being just an investment. With our consultation session, we’ll work together to build a tailor made personal financial plan, analysing your needs and requirements for the future considering the available resource.

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Segregated Funds

Segregated (or seg) funds are an investment product sold by life insurance companies. They are individual insurance contracts that invest in one or more underlying assets, such as a mutual fund. Unlike mutual funds, segregated funds provide a guarantee to protect part of the money you invest (75% to 100%). Even if the underlying fund loses money, you are guaranteed to get back some or all of your principal investment. There are two types of Guarantees – Maturity and/or at Death.

Features of Segregated Funds:

  • Estate bypass probate fees
  • Decision-making control (Paid out confidentially to the Beneficiary)
  • Creditor protection
  • Guarantee of principal at Maturity and Death
  • Reset option for Maturity & Death Benefit Guarantee
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Guaranteed Income Funds

A Guaranteed income for life that’s protected form market downturn, but that can benefit from market upturns. Why choose this option?

  • Immediate income when the market is up or down
  • Deferred income when the market is up & down
  • Option for excess withdrawal
  • Redeemable
  • Death Benefit
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An annuity is a long-term savings contract designed to provide you with guaranteed income. The savings are entrusted to an insurance company to invest and then paid to the Annuitant at regular intervals for a pre-determined period of time or until the Annuitant’s death, depending on the type of annuity chosen. Payments are determined based on factors such as life expectancy and current interest rates. There are generally two types of Annuities – Term certain and Life Annuities.

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Term Investments

Available are two times of Term Investments Redeemable & Non Redeemable. Also available Indexed Linked Term Investments that has potential to earn unlimited income with principal protection.

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Registered Savings & Income Plans

  • Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
  • Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
  • Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF)
  • Registered Annuities
  • Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)
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Other Investment Plans

Life Income Funds

Estate Planning

Retirement Planning


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